In a book is be one named by table of contents, with table of contents will make the reader the book easy to find the parts the content of a book wishing in reading.

Step by step to make a Table Of content at the blog :

  1. Login to blogger with your ID.

  2. After entering the dashboard page , click Layout.

  3. Then click edit HTML tab.

  4. Click the Download full template link. Save your template.

  5. Please mark the little box beside Expand Widget Templates. Wait for a moment.

  6. Go to your template code, and find the code like this :

  7. b: include data ='post' name='post'/

    note :
    ( before first
    abjad b add < )
    (and after code / in behind add > )

  8. Delete above code, and replace with the following code :

  9. Click Save Template button

  10. Done.