Type our article’s title here. Remember, title is not file’s name. If we want to make a link between pages, we will use file’s name, not title.
Fill address from other articles which related to our article (from our blog or others). If not, we not need to fill it.
Recover Post
It’s functioned to change back the article that already edited. Use this function if we doing mistake in editing.
Blogspot featuring some font that we can choose, although it’s not have a lot of. How to using this function is same as if we want to change font on MS Word or the other Text Editor’s application. Just mark on the sentences, paragraphs. Or whole page (with CTRL+A), then choose font that we will use
Font Size
To adjust the font size, we can use the key that available to resizing font.
Bold and Italic Writing
To write thick words, use the B button (Bold), and to write in italic, use the I button (Italic).
Blogspot Text Editor also make have font color changing features. We can use it by click on the color button
This is the way to make a link: 1).Mark/highlight the text which will we take as a link, 2). Click on “Link” button, 3).Type link address on dialogue box, 4)Click “OK”
If we often using MS Word, alignment is not an odd thing. So it’s not necessary to explained there.
Bullet and Number List
The function of these keys are to make a list. It’s also not an odd thing, same as Align.
Check Spelling
This facility is to check article’s spelling, if we write in English.
Add Image
Read “How to Adding an Image on Blogspot” to get more information.
Remove Formating from Selection
The function of this key is to remove all formats on definite words.
This button function is to show the HTML code from edited article.
This button functionk is to show the design mode from edited article.
This link is to shown to us the article that we have finished to edit.
Print Options
Reader Comments is to enable us to allow comments from Blog’s visitors, or not. Backlink is to allow others to make link with our article or not.
Label for This Post
This is to categorized our articles or postings.
Post Time and Date
This is to manage time and date, when we post our article. The articles are organized by time and date.
Save as Draft
By clicking this button, it means our articles has been saved as draft. This article isn’t shown on our blog site and our blog’s visitor can’t read it.