Here is the way to change our blog’s color.
On Dashboard page, click on “Layout” link, then we will see the Tempalte page.
Choose on “Fonts and Colors” tab.
We can change the color of your blog from this page to meet your preference. This panel (see picture below) is the place for you to choose which element that you want to change the color.
- Page Background Color - the blog’s background color.
- Text Color - The color of text (articles) on blog.
- Link Color - The color of the link
- Page Header Background - Color of the title’s background.
- Page Header Text Color - Our blog’s title color.
- Page Header Corners Color - The corner’s color of our blog’s title.
- Main Background Color - The main blog’s color.
- Border Color - The borderline color.
- Data Header Color - The header’s color (it usually the archive’s date).
- SideBar Title Background Color - The background color of the sidebar title
- SideBar Title Text Color - The color of the sidebar title text.
- Text Font - The kind of font that we use on articles.
- Page Header Font - The kind of font that we use on title.
The color can be changed by choosing the element on the left panel, and then you choose the color on the right the panel.
The font can be changed by the same way as you choose the color. The output can be seen on the preview panel below.
Then click on “Save Changes” to save our blog’s changes, or “Clear Edit” to change back into default blog’s color.